
Caution: Your wallet must have a minimum of BNB to use as a fee for the swap service.

Using Mobile Metamask & PancakeSwap

The following process utilizes NINKY-BNB Pool in PancakeSwap. For direct swap at PancakeSwap website, go to here.

  1. Click on the “Brower’ button in your Metamask wallet.

2. Click on the ‘+’ button or the ‘Browser’ button.

3. Copy & Paste in the URL:

4. Put in the number of NINKY you want to swap to BNB.

(or vice versa, if you want to swap BNB to NINKY)

5. Click on the ‘Enable NINKY’ button.

6. Click on the ‘Approve’ Button.

7. Click on the ‘Swap’ button.

8. Click on the ‘Confirm’ Button.

9. Go back to your wallet and check if the transaction has been made successfully.

Last updated